Level Ground

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"Encouraged to dream big"

THE LEVEL GROUND RESIDENCY was an important step in my artistic career, giving me a space to create art within a positive and supportive environment. It allowed me to see what’s possible outside of a traditional art world context and what is possible when I push past my fears. 

The residency provided support and structure for me to create my most ambitious project to date, the short film, “Khat-e Penhan / Hidden Line.” It was an idea I conceived of 8 years prior and never completed because I didn’t know how to, especially without financial and logistical support. It was so great to see so many elements of the project I previously thought were “impossible” come to fruition, from creating masks that could accommodate practical effects, to finding Afghans to play the roles. 

The residency coordinators were strong role models with different skills, from managing large productions with a positive and graceful attitude, to understanding the technical details needed to have a successful film production.

I APPRECIATED THE diverse backgrounds of the Level Ground staff and other resident artists. This diversity includes ethnic, racial, gender identity as well as expertise within and outside the art world. This type of diversity is a welcome and refreshing change in the artworld and was most evident in Level Ground’s exhibits and events. Many of my artist friends commented on this and left the events with a positive feeling.

I was frequently encouraged to dream big and have faith that the logistics would be worked out. Level Ground’s answers to my questions were rarely “no,” but instead, “let’s see how we can solve this problem.” This is a valuable approach to see in practice, as I tend to focus on reasons for why I can’t complete a project. The residency coordinators were strong role models with different skills, from managing large productions with a positive and graceful attitude, to understanding the technical details needed to have a successful film production.

THE RESIDENCY TEAM ENCOURAGED me to step outside of my comfort zone to reach out to the local Afghan community, friends and those involved in local film production. In that regard, creating a film through a local LA-based residency, was a great fit. I did not need to go outside my city, incur additional costs, or find a way to take a break from regular life in order to complete this project. While I can see the benefit of getting away to create, there is also a benefit in learning how to continue one’s artistic process while living their daily life, as getting away is not always an option. I now have a larger support network I can rely on to help me with future projects, and that also provides a sense of community. If you’re looking for a support network for your own art, consider applying for the 2020 Level Ground artist residency. I appreciate all the support Level Ground has and continues to offer me.