Level Ground

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2.5 ChakRa Khan

Tamisha & Alexander receive a chakra reading from special guest, Christine! Join them as they learn about the 7 concentrated energy centers of the body, and how it affects your day to day life.

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Mood Music

This week's mood music is the song "V'ASU" by Britta K, from the Ritual Cycle film MIKDASH.

MIKDASH is the final of five films that are part of Nomad Solstice's Ritual Cycle. Mikdash represents a ritual of feasting; a celebration of divinity as joyful, diverse and communal.

WHY WE'RE FRIENDS is a Level Ground podcast where @tamisha_tyler & @realmralex look at the world as friends who are very different from each other. They teach and inspire us to reach out across societal divides. 

#WhyWeFriends #LevelGround #BlackGirlMagic #QueerAF #Chakras #MessyMoments #RealTalk #Podcast

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