Black Abundance Syllabus




From 2020 to 2023, alongside each of our major programs, Level Ground worked with artists to curate a themed media syllabus of podcasts, articles, films, books, etc. This syllabus is part of the SKEW 03 launch.


From Jda S. G.

Ruminating on how Black abundance manifests was a challenge. Abundance means prosperity, and I couldn’t help but think of the many ways in which capitalism, white supremacy, and patriarchy function to withhold from Black people the resources we need to thrive in this world. Even so, I know that despite the tyranny of these systems, Black people possess indefatigable spirits that have allowed them to create art and culture that comforts, challenges, and uplifts. This syllabus lists the collected words —whether essays or song lyrics—by Black people that reflect some facets of the richness of Black experiences. By no means does this list exhaust all the resources of that category. Think of it instead as an entry-point into your own journey of finding and embracing celebrations of Black abundance.