Level Ground




Level Ground is a collective tended to by members of multiple and intersecting identities.
We believe artistic experimentation and collaboration, coupled with diligent organizing and action, build pathways that support ongoing efforts towards collective liberation.
Level Ground is a collective tended to by members of multiple and intersecting identities.
We believe artistic experimentation and collaboration, coupled with diligent organizing and action, build pathways that support ongoing efforts towards collective liberation.
Level Ground is a collective tended to by members of multiple and intersecting identities.
We believe artistic experimentation and collaboration, coupled with diligent organizing and action, build pathways that support ongoing efforts towards collective liberation.
Our community strives to be rooted in right relationship with one another, our ancestors, our planet, and our means and economies of survival. We hope to inspire new, regenerative ways of imagining and organizing our creative and communal lives that resist extractive practices within the arts and beyond.


"Being a part of the Level Ground Collective has given me the support and structure to move out of my comfort zone and create in ways that I've always dreamed about."

Ilgin Korugan (Collective Artist)

"Creating and exhibiting art is both an act of revolution and a form of vulnerability—with the Level Ground community, revolution and vulnerability are championed."

Chance Calloway (Board Member)

“Level Ground provides a platform for artists to speak, live and fashion their own stories in a spectacular way. Level Ground is revolutionary; you won’t find any organization doing the extensive and life affirming work that Level Ground does day in and day out.”

Level Ground Patron

“Level Ground has given me more confidence to be daring and bold with how I move forward creatively.”

Community Feedback - Strategic Plan Audit (2023)

“I've observed the way Level Ground has created space and shifted leadership to allow for more Black voices and other voices of color to guide the community.”

Community Feedback - Strategic Plan Audit (2023)

“I’ve always situated my work in community, and Level Ground has helped extend that audience in meaningful ways through their networks. They have affirmed the direction I’ve chosen for myself in terms of my creative and research practice.”

Tristan Espinoza (Resident Artist)

“One of the things that I love most about Level Ground is its rejection of the trappings of white supremacy – grind culture, binary thinking, imposed hierarchies. Instead, they create a space for both personal and collective reflection and imagining of alternate modes of being. They foster an environment where we can consider our place, what we have to share, and how we can mutually uplift one another.”

Community Feedback - Strategic Plan Audit (2023)

“Level Ground has always felt incredibly encouraging, inviting, and inspiring. I feel cared for specifically by the staff who have invested in me and my art.”

Community Feedback - Strategic Plan Audit (2023)

“Level Ground does the work of asking hard questions and inviting people to explore them together.”

Event Attendee

“The community aspect of Level Ground means so much to me. Alone, we look at the changes that need to take place in our world, and it feels overwhelming. Looked at as a community, impossible challenges become possible opportunities."

Level Ground Patron

"One thing I appreciate about Level Ground is that it's a living organization."

Micah Bournes (Board Member)

“Without Level Ground, my career would be a good five years behind where it currently is.”

Leslie Foster (Resident Artist)