Black to the Future Syllabus
From 2020 to 2023, alongside each of our major programs, Level Ground worked with artists to curate a themed media syllabus of podcasts, articles, films, books, etc. The (She.LL), by 2022 resident artist TOMMi, is a celebration of Black self-image, creative identity within the Black community, and discovering the power of the artist’s Black artistic lineage as a creative, a technologist, and a Black Queer Woman.
Through the use of technology, the “Black to the Future: Afrofutrisum & Black Subjectivity” Syllabus evaluates the past and future to promote better conditions for the present generation of Black people. In developing my residency project, I’ve delved into optical illusions and explored how Afrofuturism extends beyond Sci-Fi. My syllabus is a visual representation of these stylistic inspirations. Through my syllabus, I hope to shed light on the diverse lived realities of Black people in order to build new truths outside the dominant cultural narrative. —TOMMi