SKEW 03: Black Abundance




SKEW 03 was led by Editor-in-Chief Nneka Jackson, Managing Editor Reneice Charles, Designer Nikki Pressley, and Curators Jda S. G. and Rraine Hanson, with promotion support from Treble Vasquez. With the theme of Black Abundance, the magazine is:

A celebration of Blackness as an extravaganza of/in Black beings, expressions and revolutions. Cultivating, curing and conjuring bountiful evolutions, claiming an infinite muchness. Black abundance of dynamic infinities in black space and time. Black worlds expanding in several, plural energies rise and vibrate, rise and vibrate. Ideas for submission can reflect and ruminate on the concept of Black Abundance and beyond...

The magazine launched on November 6, 2021 at All Power Books in West Adams.