Intentionally center Black artists, audiences, and stories.

In this goal many respondents verified that they’ve seen evidence that Level Ground has intentionally centered Black artists, audiences, and stories – particularly within the scope of leadership, exhibitions, and SKEW magazine. 

Respondents also said that they believe Level Ground has stayed firm in our goal of centering Black artists, audiences, and stories. They stated that Level Ground has stuck with and been consistent in following through with this in a way that other organizations let drop off after performative promises were made in the summer of 2020. 

“As someone who is not a BIPOC artist, I’m not always sure how I’m supposed to continue to show up and best support centering BIPOC artists”

A few interviewees mentioned that while they can see some of the shifts towards centering of Black artists, audiences, and stories they aren’t entirely sure. They’d like to “see the numbers” or “don’t have insight into the day-to-day, but believe this is happening”.

Overall, respondents seemed to see Level Ground’s efforts in centering Black artists, audiences, and stories but people “think we could be doing more.”