“Collective Effervescence” Syllabus

Alongside each of our major programs, Level Ground works with artists to curate a themed media syllabus of podcasts, articles, films, books, etc. An important companion piece to SKEW, this Syllabus was curated by Culture Curator Salima Allen to intentionally deepen and expand what you’ll experience through SKEW 04: Black Embodiment.


Collective Effervescence is a spontaneous phenomena coined by Émile Durkheim, in which a collective participates in the same acts or thoughts simultaneously. This sociological concept occurs commonly during religious gatherings, musical events, and other ritualistic assemblies. 

Acting as an energetic exchange, collective effervescence allows for the singular to become unified with a greater mass, often resulting in a feeling of sacred vivacity.

With this in mind, we explore the ways in which Black embodiment can be expressed through music and mirrored togetherness.

–Salima Allen, SKEW 04 Culture Curator


1. Amazing Grace directed by Alan Elliott & Sydney Pollack (Film, 2018, streaming on Max)

2. United Skates by Stephanie M. H. Camp (Film, 2018, streaming on Max)

3. Rize directed by David LaChapelle (Film, 2005, buy or rent on YouTube)

4. The Night James Brown Saved Boston directed by David Leaf (Film, 2008, streaming on Peacock)

In 1972, after a series of 11 consecuive hits, Aretha Franklin recorded `Amazing Grace,' the most successful gospel album of all time at the New Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles.

Credited with incubating East Coast hip-hop and West Coast rap, America's roller rinks have long been bastions of regional African-American culture, music and dance. As rinks shutter across the country, a few activists mount a last stand.

RIZE is an intimate completely fresh portrayal of inner-city youth who have created art--and often family--where before there was none. Surrounded by drug addiction, gangs and impoverishment, they have developed a completely unique style of dance that evolves on a daily basis. Through tremendous spirit and creativity, they manage to rise above.

Two days after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, singer James Brown performs at the Boston Garden, shielding the city from widespread riots.



5. The power of a crowd! Unspoken collective decisions and expectations. (Video, 15:18)

6. Art on energy exchanges, body, movement, and collaboration. (Video, 8:57)

7. The energy this song possesses is timeless and undying. (Music video, 4:07)

8. Feeding off of a crowd... music that takes you into a trance-like state. (Ignore the interruption at 2:16-2:45.) (Video, 7:51)